Centres of Excellence in Complementary Medicine
Turning Point Clinics osteopaths, Suzanne and Jonathan were priveliged to have been invited to the Third Congress on GUNA Medical Devices in Milan Italy, held on 30th November 2024. There were four of us from the UK as we joined medical delegates from all over the world.
The subject involved the use of collagen based injectable medical devices (MDs) for the the treatment of musculosketal disorders. The MDs are formulated to treat joints and tissues in the body.
Collagen is the main component of muscles, tendons, joints, fascia, the extracellular matrix and bones. Ageing, disease, misuse and trauma contribute to damage to this important component. What follows is pain, disability, wear and tear and arthritis.
The purpose of the Congress was to present scientific research to show how they work and what conditions can be helped.
Thd MDs contain small amounts of collagen derived from healthy pigs. Pig tissue is very similar to human tissue. The effect of injecting this has been shown to increase the production of the patient's own collagen and to help damaged collagen repair.
We were shown a number of case studies and clinical trials showing that this approach can help in reducing inflammation and pain and can help repair tissues.
For example an orthopaedic surgeon from the University of Lublin, Poland demonstrated how one of the most common causes of low back pain is when the layers of fascia in the low back gets sticky. This reduces mobility and causes irritation and pain. Injection of MDs over 8 sessions loosens these layers and reduces discomort.
Similar presentaions looked at shoulder issues such as frozen shoulder, elbow problems like tennis elbow as well as arthritis of the knee and hips. There was much more.
The most dramatic, interesting and saddest presentation was from a Ukranian trauma surgeon working with the war wounded. He found that the use of MDs helped to speed healing, reduce swelling and pain and also meant that fewer of the more traditional medicines were needed and therefore fewer side-effects.
Which brings me to a final point these remedies are extremely well tolerated with hardly any adverse reactions.
If you wish to know more about how you can be helped or if you wish to see the scientific references please contact me jonathan@turningpointclinics.co.uk or Suzanne suzannemorganosteopath@gmail.com